

Why Adoption?
- Why not adoption? We did begin the process of trying to conceive. Not only were we unsuccessful, but it felt like a job from the very beginning. We had a strong pull in our hearts to have a child and when we discussed adoption we felt a peace come over our household. We are so happy and content on this path to our baby and cannot imagine starting our family any other way.

Did you try fertility treatments?
- No and please be respectful of our desires to keep this particular aspect of our journey private. Biological children are not off the table, the processes to get to that biological children do not feel natural to us at this time. Please respect and support us in this!

How much does adoption cost?
- The end result is priceless!

When will the baby be here?
- That depends on two factors. 1st - When we are matched (could be any day) 2nd where the birthmother is in her pregnancy. There are families that have received children within weeks of their profiles being completed. The average wait time with this agency is that of a typical pregnancy 9 months. We are asking that you all join us in preparing for a year wait time before the baby is in our home. If it happens sooner, horray!!

What about twins?
- It is very possible that we could be selected by a birthmother who is pregnant with twins. We say, "The more, the merrier!" and the more hands we will need so be prepared to come visit!

What ethnicity will the baby be?
- We do not know! We will happily accept any infant of the human variety. Understand that birthmothers most often select families with similar backgrounds and looks as their own. 

We are over the moon with excitement and anticipation about this process. We understand that you may harbor some concerns, fears or history of horror stories. Please know that adoption today is nothing like it was 20 years ago or even last month. The laws are constantly improving with the well being and best interest of the child the main focus. We have found our confidence in God, our agency and the amazing community of support we have. Please join with us in our celebration!!

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