
Monday, September 24, 2012

Agency Acceptance and Homestudy started!

Well it has been a while since we updated. We have filled out more paperwork than we ever could have imagined, answered more insane questions than most people at our married age and have hand cramps from these essay questions, however, we have been approved and selected by our agency! Not only that, but our homestudy has started! They say to expect for it to be completed right after Thanksgiving! Lots of good news to report and we are more than ready to get our information out there for a birthmother to select. It is amazing how much fun we have had so far. When we began the daunting process of getting paperwork filled out and certifications of identification we wanted to keep the process light and fun. We have truly taken time to enjoy each moment of frustration and find something to learn about ourselves and our relationship. Now begins the heavy lifting of home study paperwork. FBI, SBI approvals, County checks, autobiographies, another long questionnaire, faith statements, the list is endless... wish us luck!!

running the race, fighting the fight, and keeping the faith,

Monday, September 3, 2012

Our Agency

After LOTS of research....We have selected an agency! Adoption Network Law Center if you want to check them out. They are based out of California, but facilitate adoptions all over the 48 continental states. They provide birthmother support and have a screening process for birthmothers and adoptive parents to ensure the perfect match and placement for baby. After our phone call this week with their counselor we knew this was the place for us! Our counselor was wonderful and answered all of our questions. She has adopted so it was easy to ask questions that are natural, but difficult to answer. We are so confident and feel a peace knowing that we are in good hands. Now the real work begins, a homestudy and adoption questionnaire and decisions about how we want to structure this process. Lots ahead, but excitement to feel at home with our agency nonetheless. 
